
 * My_types.h
 *  Created on: 26 мая 2018 г.
 *      Author: Bohdan

#ifndef MY_TYPES_H_
#define MY_TYPES_H_

/******** Numeric defines *********/
#define MAX_PWM 100
#define MIN_PWM 0

#define LOW_BORDER 1 	// Low border for rough current measurements.
#define HIGH_BORDER 1.5 // Upper border for precise current measurements.

#define CUR_RAW_ARR_LENGTH 31	// Length of array of raw data collected from ADC
#define CUR_PROC_ARR_LENGTH 21	// Length of array of proceeded data collected from ADC
#define ADC_CURR_DIFFER 30		// Difference between two counts of array, to find the beginning of sinus
#define CHAN_QUANTITY 24		// Quantity of PWM/temperature channels
#define NUMB_CHAN_PER_ADC1 6	// Quantity of channels used in ADC_1
#define NUMB_CHAN_PER_ADC3 3	// Quantity of channels used in ADC_3

/******** Flash memory adress defines *********/
#define PARAMS_START_MEM_ADR 0x08060000   // Memory bank 1, sector 7

/******** Flash memory params numeric defines *********/
#define PWM_PERIOD_VAL 640
#define LININ_PERIOD_VAL 2000
#define MAX_TEMP 400
#define MIN_TEMP 0

#include "stm32f4xx_hal.h"

/* Type for working with heating elements (PWM)*/
typedef enum
	PWM1 = 0,
	PWM2 = 1,
	PWM3 = 2,

	PWM4 = 3,
	PWM5 = 4,
	PWM6 = 5,

	PWM7 = 6,
	PWM8 = 7,

	PWM9 = 8,
	PWM10 = 9,
	PWM11 = 10,

	PWM12 = 11,
	PWM13 = 12,
	PWM14 = 13,

	PWM15 = 14,
	PWM16 = 15,

	PWM17 = 16,
	PWM18 = 17,
	PWM19 = 18,

	PWM20 = 19,
	PWM21 = 20,
	PWM22 = 21,

	PWM23 = 22,
	PWM24 = 23,

	HEL_NO = 24 // for cases when there is no heat elements connected to ADC channel;

/* Type for working with current sensors (CurrSwitch)*/
typedef enum
	CURR_SENS_1 = 1,
	CURR_SENS_2 = 2,
	CURR_SENS_3 = 3,
	CURR_SENS_4 = 4,
	CURR_SENS_5 = 5,
	CURR_SENS_6 = 6,
	CURR_SENS_7 = 7,
	CURR_SENS_8 = 8,
	CURR_SENS_9 = 9,

/* Type for working with temperature sensors. Chip Selection. (_#CS)*/
typedef enum
	TEMP_SENS_1 = 0,
	TEMP_SENS_2 = 1,
	TEMP_SENS_3 = 2,
	TEMP_SENS_4 = 3,
	TEMP_SENS_5 = 4,
	TEMP_SENS_6 = 5,
	TEMP_SENS_7 = 6,
	TEMP_SENS_8 = 7,
	TEMP_SENS_9 = 8,
	TEMP_SENS_10 = 9,
	TEMP_SENS_11 = 10,
	TEMP_SENS_12 = 11
} temp_sens_t;

/* General type for states */
typedef enum
	HIGH = 0x00,
	LOW = 0x01

/* Type for work with states of outputs */
typedef enum
	ON = 0x00,
	OFF = 0x01,
	THIRD = 0x02

/* Type for coding the termocouples */
typedef enum
	B = 0b000,
	E = 0b001,
	J = 0b010,
	K = 0b011,
	N = 0b100,
	R = 0b101,
	S = 0b110,
	T = 0b111

/* Type for work with current transformers */
typedef enum
	SW1 = 0,
	SW2 = 1,
	SW3 = 2,
	SW4 = 3,
	SW5 = 4,
	SW6 = 5,
	SW7 = 6,
	SW8 = 7,
	SW9 = 8

/* Structure for processing UART debug data */
typedef struct TaskParam_t
	uint8_t chan_numb[4];
	uint8_t PWM_val[6];
	uint8_t chan_rec_compl;
	uint8_t PWM_rec_compl;

typedef struct CAN_str
	uint8_t PWM_flag;  // Flag is set when PDO with address 0x200+Address is received
	uint8_t SDO_flag;  // looks like it is unneeded

/* Structure for work with settings that will be stored in flash */
typedef struct Settings_struct
	uint16_t PWM_per; 			// PWM period, ms
	uint16_t TS_per;  			// Temperature sensors polling period, ms
	uint16_t Lin_In_per; 		// Linear inputs polling period, ms
	uint16_t CS_per;     		// Current sensors polling period, ms
	uint32_t Soft_ver;   		// Software version
	uint32_t Hard_ver;  		// Hardware version
	uint8_t Transm_allowed; 	// Allow, or forbid data transferring
	uint16_t Max_temp;    		// Max temperature
	uint16_t Min_temp;			// Min temperature
	TC_type_t Termoc_types[24];	// Array with types of termocouples
	uint8_t Name_str[256]; 		// String with device name
	uint8_t Mask_matr[9][24];	// Matrix for ADC data sorting

/* Structure for working with temperature (and linear inputs) data package */
typedef struct Temp_out_struct
	uint8_t Dig_IN;
	uint8_t Zone_numb;
	uint16_t Temperature[3];

typedef struct Current_out_struct
	uint8_t Zone_numb;
	uint16_t Current;

typedef struct new_PWM_struct
	uint8_t Dig_outs;
	uint8_t Zone_numb;
    uint16_t New_PWM[3];

typedef struct new_SDO_struct
	uint8_t Specifier;
	uint8_t Index[3];
    uint8_t Data[4];

#endif /* MY_TYPES_H_ */



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